View our Favourite Video Clips featuring Hopetoun and the Fitzgerald River National Park
Do you have an interesting video clip (under 2 minutes) of your Wavecrest, Hopetoun or Fitzgerald River National Park adventure? Send your video link to us at Wavecrest via email: - we may just feature it on our website for the world to see!!!
Fly over Fitzgerald River National Park, Hopetoun, WA
Published by Wavecrest Tours, You Tube video by Parks and Wildlife WA (0:31 sec)
Destination WA - Hopetoun and Fitzgerald River National Park after 40 million dollar facelift
You Tube Video by Destination WA (2:42 min)
Fitzgerald River National Park's Wildflowers and Scenery
You Tube Video by David Belfield, A to Z Visuals (1:24 min)
Kangaroos at Fitzgerald River National Park, Hopetoun, WA
You Tube Video by Gemma Owens (0:31 sec)
Southern Right Whales and an Albino Calf at Point Ann Fitzgerald River National Park
Your Tube Video by Peter Nicholas / Parks and Wildlife WA (0:30 sec)
Friendly Hopetoun Stingrays - Three docile and curious stingrays attempt to communicate with two inquisitive puppies
You Tube Video by vickimac3's channel (1:00 min)